Eddie thawne savitar
Eddie thawne savitar

Patty Spivot, Tina and Jery McGee, Dr. Having Savitar revealed as Ronnie Raymond, Eddie Thawne, or Wally West would have each brought unique stakes to the plot, something that could have played out over time if there had been an. Eddie sacrificed his life to rid the timeline of his eventual great-grand something Eobard Thawne, which was all kinda Barry's fault in the first place.Major Supporting Cast: Henry Allen, Nora Allen, Joan Williams, Jessica Cruz, Animal Girl (Maxine Baker), Commander Cold (Henry), Fuerza (Alexa Antigone), Gold Beetle, Mister Terrific (Michael Holt), Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway), Steadfast, Justice League (Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Clark Kent/Superman, Diana of Paradise Island/Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Arthur Curry / Aquaman, Carter Hall/Hawkman), Jeven Ognats, Meloni Thawne, Jai West, Captain Darryl Frye, Chester Runk (Chunk), Gregory Wolfe, Fred Chyre and Jared Morillo Ashley Zolomon, Solovar, Nnamdi, The Three Dimwits, Valerie Perez

eddie thawne savitar

West, Bart Allen, Irey West), Jonathan Chambers/ Johnny Quick, Jesse Chambers/Jesse Quick/The Flash/Liberty Belle, Linda Park-West, Iris West, Jai West/Surge, Jenni Ognats/XS, Boom (Judy Garrick), Joan Williams, Johnny Quick (Jonathan Chambers), Kid Flash (Bar Torr), Negative Flash (Meena Dhawan), Dawn and Don Allen/Tornado Twins, Max Mercury Edward 'Eddie' Thawne (Januresurrected 2049) is a former police detective of the Keystone City Police Department until he transferred to Central City Police Department.

eddie thawne savitar

  • Avery Ho), Kid Flash (Wally West, Wallace R.

  • Eddie thawne savitar